Thursday, July 15, 2010


Studying for the GRE will be the death of me.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

World Cup

World Cup 2010 - South Africa

Spent the day at Giano with Jeremy and our favorite Italian people watching the game.

Spain Won!!!
"Viva la Espana!"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Work

I have worked at a gym (aka 'sports club') for almost a year now, and I have only used the facilities one time, how sad.
However after this summer school session is over (3 days) I plan on working out for the remainder of the summer, and potentially into the school year.

It appears that I have fallen into this Italian ring of people places and things (which I LOVE).
I have been asked to hostess for an Italian Restaurant for a few nights, followed by being asked to 'child sit' for 3 Italian children, and all I really eat is Italian food these days. I think I should convert. Beginning next week I will be catching up on my Italian speaking skills so lets hope all of these opportunities assist with that.

Journal vs Blog

Since I have re-instated my journal I have been having a hard time writing in my blog.
To top it off, I do not currently have internet at my apartment.

After speaking to Maria (Finding Eidothea) this week, I have realized that I need to start blogging again.
The new task of keeping up a journal and a blog may be challenging, but I think it will be good for me.

Stay Tuned